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Welcome to discohookDiscohook, a free message and embed builder for Discord! There's additional info in the embeds below, or you can use the Clear all button in the editor to start making embeds. Have questions? Discohook has a support server at
What's all this?
Discohook is a free tool that allows you to build Discord messages and embeds for use in your server. Discohook sends messages using webhooks, an API feature that allows third-party services to blindly send messages into text channels. While webhooks can send messages, they cannot respond to user interactions such as messages.
Text formatting how-tos
There are a few basic styles you can take advantage of: Italics, by surrounding text in asterisks (*); Bold, by surrounding text in double asterisks (**); Underline, by using double underscores (__); Strikethrough, by using double tildes (~~); Code, by using backticks (`).
Advanced formatting
Beyond these basic styles, you can also start a blockquote with a right-pointing angle bracket (>):
Or mark sensitive content behind a spoiler using two vertical bars (||): This is hidden until clicked
Using server emoji
While default emoji work like you would expect them to, server emotes are a bit more complicated. To send a server emoji with a webhook, you must use a specific formatting code to do so. To find it, send that emoji in your server, but put a backslash (\) in front of it. For example: sending \:my_emoji: would send <:my_emoji:12345> into chat. If you copy the output into Discohook, the emoji will show up properly.
Pinging users and roles, linking to channels
First of all, you must have enabled developer mode in Discord's settings. To do so, open Discord settings and navigate to Appearance. There will be a Developer Mode toggle under the Advanced section, which you must enable. Having developer mode enabled, you can now right-click your target to copy their ID. Keep in mind that for users, you must right click their avatar, not the message. To mention them, you have to use Discord's mention syntax: <@!user_id>, <@&role_id>, or <#channel_id>. If done correctly, they will appear as @user in the preview.
Additional magic
Image galleries
With some special magic, you can have up to 4 images in a single embed. This feature is exclusive to webhooks, so don't expect to make it work on a traditional bot. All you need is to give your embed a URL and click on the "Edit images" button inside any embed to get started.
Not only can Discohook send messages, but Discohook can also save them for later use. For when your message wasn't quite right. For convenience, backups also contain the webhook URL. Backups will not be sent to the Discohook, and will always be stored offline. If you clear your browsing data, your backups will be lost forever! If you want to keep your backups somewhere else, you can export backups to get a saved copy. Do keep in mind that they also include the stored webhook URL, so don't share it with anyone you don't trust.
Legal things
To make Discohook as helpful as it can be, we use some assets derived from Discord's application. Discohook has no affiliation with Discord in any way, shape, or form. The source code to this app is available on GitHub licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. If you need to contact me, you can join the support server, or send an email to "hello" at
Message editor
302 / 2000
Embed 1
16 / 256
333 / 2048
0 / 256
0 / 2048
Embed 2
23 / 256
297 / 2048
0 / 256
0 / 2048
Field 1
19 / 256,
215 / 1024,
Field 2
18 / 256,
422 / 1024,
Field 3
44 / 256,
579 / 1024,
Embed 3
16 / 256
0 / 2048
0 / 256
0 / 2048
Field 1
15 / 256,
277 / 1024,
Field 2
7 / 256,
535 / 1024,
Embed 4
12 / 256
459 / 2048
0 / 256
0 / 2048
0 / 80